Call for Papers:

Scope of the conference

As more and more users become increasingly dependent on wireless and mobile communications, it is necessary to secure a reliable and dependable technology support for "on-demand" services through any of the wireless architectures that have been in development recently, such as mesh networks, WiMax, WiFi, ad hoc networks, sensor networks, vehicular networks, etc.

However, there are serious challenges to overcome, such as the integration of infrastructure-based and ad hoc networks, robust algorithms for self-organizing, reconfigurable wireless networks, on-demand service models and their provision in a highly-volatile interconnection environment, and smooth interoperability of architectures.

WONS, now in its nineth edition, has established itself as a high-quality forum to address these challenges in the context of a conference that is rich in intense interactions and based on innovative contributions by experts in the field.

This announcement solicits original submissions of high-quality research papers on "wireless on-demand networks" that provide novel insights on protocol and network design, modeling, performance evaluation, profitability models, energy efficiency, QoS models and mechanisms, practical implementations, service level aspects, and Internet integration of wireless networks.

Topics related to all kinds of wireless on-demand networks comprise, but are not limited to:

  • Architecture and design
  • Evaluation through simulations and experiments
  • Modeling
  • Integration and co-existence
  • Social and economic aspects
  • Pervasive and ubiquitous computing
  • Localization and mobility management
  • Security, privacy, and trust
  • Novel applications and services
  • Energy-efficient protocols and power management
  • Implementations and testbeds
  • Opportunistic, delay-tolerant, and dissemination-based protocols
  • Mobile peer-to-peer systems
  • Middleware aspects
  • Self-X and network management

The WONS 2012 program will include the following special sessions:

  • Cognitive Radio and White Space: design and implementation of cognitive networks, spectrum access, usage of white spaces, regulation issues and use cases, network identification, security.
    Session organizer: Dr. Wolfgang Koenig

  • Machine-to-Machine Inter-networking: strategic and technical challenges (architecture design, access layer, mobility, networking, security, services), role/interest of the industry, integration in future networks (vehicular networks, Psycho-Physical Systems, LTE-A).
    Session organizer: Dr. Srdjan Krco

Best Paper Award

IEEE/IFIP WONS 2012 features Best Paper Award to award authors with superior quality paper submission to the conference. The award includes a framed certificate. The authors of Best Paper Award will be recognized in the conference.

Important Dates

Paper registration (title+abstract) : September 16, 2011 Extended to October 7
Full Paper Submission : September 23, 2011 Extended to October 7
Acceptance notification : November 15, 2011
Camera-ready due : December 1, 2011 Extended to December 2
Conference : January 9-11, 2012